Solar Heat for Industrial Processes: SHIP

The decarbonization of the industrial energy matrix requires the integration of clean energy sources, such as wind and solar thermal, among others, which can be implemented at a competitive cost and a high level of availability. Seventy-four percent of the energy consumed at the industrial level corresponds to heat, which increases the need to develop technologies that can deliver thermal energy with the highest possible level of efficiency.


FCR-CSET has high-level computational capabilities and a team of research engineers with expertise in the analysis of energy systems integrated to industrial processes, data analysis, sensorization, shading analysis -among other technical capabilities-, critical in this type of projects.

SHIP Services

Techno-economic Analysis

  • Advanced computational simulations of solar integration in processes to meet long-term thermal demand.
  • Creation of technical bidding bases to materialize the recommended alternatives.

Thermal demand studies of industrial processes

  • Monitoring campaigns for data acquisition in industrial processes.
  • Analysis of monitored data and historical industry data to generate thermal demand profiles.
  • Long-term thermal demand projection using Industry 4.0 tools.

Analysis of energy efficiency in industrial processes

  • Exploration of opportunities for energy utilization between processes; using both classical (Pinch analysis) and advanced (Industry 4.0) techniques.
  • Recommendation of energy efficiency measures to be applied in industrial plants considering technical and economic KPIs.

Simulations of CSP systems for industrial processes

  • Computational simulations of central tower integration to evaluate the potential for solar integration in high temperature industrial processes.
  • Pre-feasibility studies at medium-high temperature (300-500°C) with solar systems to supply combustion for high temperature processes.

SHIP Development Areas


SHIP Low and Medium Temperature


SHIP High Temperature